Why does the bathroom smell bad?
Posted on: October 25, 2022
Why does the bathroom smell bad? Is there a solution?
While your bathroom might be the place where you take care of your bodily and body’s hygiene needs, it still does not have to smell bad. Sometimes the bathroom odour can be eliminated by just using a disinfectant, moping and cleaning the entire bathroom. In such cases, it is not an issue, and you can get rid of the smell within a couple of hours. However, it becomes a problem when there is a bad smell, even if you are not using your bathroom. There is nothing worse than walking to a beautifully designed bathroom that smells bad.
Even though it is normal for your bathroom to smell a range of odours from time to time, the prolonged smell can cause you health issues too. Therefore, whenever you notice that your bathroom is not going away and only increasing every day, it is time to seek help from professionals.
Depending on how old the items in your bathroom are, the toilet, the bathtub, sink, tiles, ceiling and even walls, the bathroom remodelers will figure out the source of the problem. Most bathroom remodelers will let you know what items in your bathroom need to be changed or whether you need to demolish it completely, in most extreme cases. However, demolition only happens if your bathroom is ancient and the sewage system or anything else is not working anymore.
Why does the bathroom smell bad?
There could be different reasons why your bathroom might be smelling bad, but some of the most common ones are:
1. Dry floor-waste drain: In some of the older homes’ bathrooms, the floor waste they have is normally in the middle of the bathroom, and it looks like a round, chrome grate that will be flush with the tiled floor. The way these floor waste drains are designed is that there is a water seal at the bottom. The seal prevents sewer gases from emitting through the grates.
Usually, these floor waste drains have a certain amount of water down the grate, and if there is no water in the waste drains, it will cause your bathroom to smell terrible. If your floor waste drain has no water seal, it will cause bacteria to sit at the bottom of the trap and cause your bathroom to smell. In such cases, you should contact a professional immediately, as you cannot prepare the water seal yourself. You can choose to renovate your home and get a tiled waste floor so that the sewer smell does not affect you.
2. Deteriorated toilet waste collar: another reason our bathroom must be smelling horrid is because of the toilet. When the rubber seal that connects the toilet pan to the waste pipe deteriorates, the bacteria will start forming, and it will make your bathroom and toilet smell horrid. If your toilet was installed only a few years ago, you could hire a professional plumber to replace the pan collar rubber seal by removing the toilet pan.
However, if your toilet has not been changed in decades, it is the right time to get some renovations done and install a wall-faced concealed toilet pan that will mask the odour even if the collar deteriorates.
3. Inadequate ventilation: It goes without saying that having proper ventilation is extremely important to get rid of odours and gas, which is not normal. Since bathrooms contain a high level of moisture, considering anywhere in the home, adequate airflow is a must. Without proper ventilation, moisture will aid mould from growing and make your bathroom smelly. You should hire bathroom remodelers to install or remodel the existing ventilation in your bathroom.
4. Basin overflow: Have you ever noticed that round hole in the front or back of your basins in your home? It is called overflow, and its primary job is to ensure that your basin will never overflow with water if someone leaves the tap open by mistake. The round hole is connected to the basin waste, and overflowing water will flow through that hole.
However, even though it is a small hole, it can still build up dust, water, moisture or the remaining cleaning products and cause your bathroom to smell. The odour might not be as strong as others, but it is still something not normal to have. So, you can use some methods at home to clean the gunk build-up, but if you do not have the right products, it is always a good idea to seek an expert’s help.
No matter for what reason your bathroom is smelling bad, finding the source is the first step of the solution. It might be coming from anywhere in the bathroom, and when you are confident that you cannot solve the problem yourself, the sensible thing to do is reach out to bathroom remodelers. Depending on the severity of the problem, the remodelers will suggest you replace some things or completely remodel your bathroom.